Lavender has a very rich history both in ancient times, biblical times, and the colonial era, as well as being used in the modern day world.  Lavender’s history spans over over 2000 years.  The Egyptians used lavender in their mummification process and archeologists found decorative urns in the pyramids with residues of lavender oils still inside. The Egyptians were known for using lavender to perfume their skin and dwellings.

Biblical Times

Lavender's biblical roots can  be found using the ancient terminology for Lavender known at that time as "Spikenard". The Bible has several references to Spikenard  particularly in the New Testament.  Spikenard or Lavender oils were used by Jesus for foot washing of his disciples prior to his crucifixion. References are made to Mary using Spikenard on Jesus after the crucifixion when she was preparing him for burial. 

Lavender spans many cultures and languages throughout history.  In Roman times you can find the uses of Lavender by tracing the Latin word "lavare"which means 'to wash' or bathe which were some of the common uses of lavender by the Romans.  The Romans also used the herb for cooking and early medicinal purposes.  The Romans learned a great deal about lavender from the Greeks and Egyptians.  

Colonial Times

The Colonial garden served as the apothecary, perfumery, and spice rack for the average household. Gardens graced both the farm yard and the city home. The first Colonial herb gardens were primarily kitchen gardens, planted with herbs, fruits, flowers and vegetables.

The Colonial era was frought with challenges and the uses for Lavender continued to flourish.  The colonists brought Lavender with them from Europe.  Lavender was often used to scent clothing in the colonies and keep it in bed linens and within bed ticking to reduce insects and smells. Dried lavender would be tucked among stored clothes to refresh them by infusing the garments with their scent. Cooking also became another prominent use for Lavender in the colonies and families enjoyed the flavoring of meats and game as well as adding it to teas and for medicinal uses.

Lavender in Modern Times

 Lavender was rediscovered by Rene Gatefosse, one of the founders of aromatherapy because he burned himself in his lab. The closest vessel he had contained lavender essential oil and he quickly soaked his arm in it.  Mr. Gatefosse  gained relief and he noticed the healing processing was accelerated from typical burns he had experienced in the past. The lack of both infection and scarring resulted from his quick thinking and the use of Lavender essential oils.

Lavender Today

Today Lavender is experiencing a renewal of popularity as a culinary and medicinal herb, and wider uses in cosmetics and aromatherapy products as well as taking care of your pets. Every member of the family can benefit from Lavender.

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